Brenna M

Brenna is a Makeup Artist based in Chicago. While growing up on the South Side in Beverly, she found her love for all things makeup at a young age and theatre came not soon after. Brenna was able to combine her two passions when she was chosen to join the IHSTF production of Sweeney Todd, on the Hair and Makeup and Costume crews.

A few years later, Brenna received her BFA in Theatre Design and Technology from Ball State University with a focus in Hair and Makeup. At school, Brenna was able to lead and design the makeup for multiple productions including The Wolves and This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing. In 2020, she was awarded with the Regional Design Project Award from the KCACTF Region III Festival for her design for Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors

While being theatrically trained in the art of makeup, Brenna also has experience in editorial, advertisement, SFX, and wedding styles. In her spare time, Brenna enjoys working and volunteering for Children’s theatre camps, so she too can spread her love for art in her own community.